Enjoy Life on Your Terms!

Get Sober. Get Focused. Get Your Life Back!

Support Sobriety & Join A Community Dedicated to Your Success!

I have been involved in 12-step programs for over 4 decades. Recovery has been life changing and lifesaving for me and. Sober Life Project is committed to helping those struggling with addictions whether they be behavioral or substance related. There is help. Sober Life Project is helping show me the way. I believe.


After a serious health scare at age 42, I realized I needed take a break from drinking. Something I thought I would never ever do. I am now 22 months sober and counting and I realize that I don’t miss or need alcohol. I don’t hate it. I don’t get uncomfortable when my wife or friends drink. I still like an occasional night at the bar — but I don’t miss drinking alcohol. And eliminating alcohol has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The sober life is everything and I’m grateful to be a part of this community!


Until you get down on your knees and be grateful for EXACTLY where you are, nothing will change. Get Sober.


Proudly Supporting Sobriety

Maintaining your sobriety is no small feat, and at Sober Life Project, we celebrate your journey while honoring those who have lost their battle with addiction.

Each day, substance abuse and alcoholism claim the lives of hundreds of individuals across the country, with millions more struggling daily. At Sober Life Project, For Those Who Don’t is not just a slogan. We aim to shed light on the challenges that many face during their journey to sobriety — as we work to break the stigma faced by those who achieve that goal and choose to stay sober. By fostering an open dialogue regarding the effects of alcohol consumption and abuse, we can begin to help many individuals live a life of clarity, charity and honor.

Addiction awareness and understanding plays a crucial role in achieving and maintaining a sober lifestyle.

In addition to supporting those who are directly impacted by addiction and loss with our substance abuse and alcoholism support resources, we strive to spread awareness about living a safer, sober lifestyle.

Whether you are a family member who wants to show support for a loved one or a fighter who wants to take pride in their sobriety while spreading awareness about the dangers of alcoholism and substance abuse, our sobriety awareness apparel offers a variety of ways to do so.

To show your support for sobriety and the Sober Life Project and look great doing it, click here to shop now.